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Writer's picture Mirelle D. & Calya E.

Five Things That Could Happen if Everyone Stopped Eating Meat

People go plant-based for lots of reasons. These include losing weight, feeling more energetic, reducing the risk of heart disease, decreasing the number of pills they take… there are dozens of great reasons! For even more inspiration, check out these other benefits you can expect when you go plant-based.

We’ve come to the end of World Week for the Abolition of Meat, but people in the west still won’t make a simple change that could change the fortunes of the whole world.

Today marks the end of World Week for the Abolition of Meat – an appropriate time to ask ourselves what would happen if those of us who live in the developed world, with its ample choices, opted for a beet burger instead of a beef burger every time we sat down to eat.

  • The World Will Cool Down


Producing half a pound of beef emits significantly greater carbon dioxide emissions than half a pound of potato.

Global warming will progressively decrease due to better air quality if meat consumption were reduced. The meat industry is known for its part in using non-biodegradable energy for factory farming such as oil, coal, gas, and many more. Based on a study conducted by Oxford University, 0.1 kg of meat eaten in a day generates 7.2 kilograms of carbon dioxide. Vegans have 99 to 102 percent lower dietary emissions compared to meat-eaters. By 2050, the emissions of greenhouse gases will decrease by 29-70% as a result of abstinence from meat.

  • Change Our Planet’s Prosperity

All the regions where forests are grazed for land to cultivate meat farms will regenerate back to their original formation. It may take from decades up to centuries. When reformed, they will geographically prevent dangerous floods and drought. There will also be a significant drop in global warming; the livestock sector is responsible for nearly 30% of the Earth’s entire land surface, while 33% contributes to producing food for livestock. Not only that, animals that were under meat cultivation will return to their natural habitats. Thus, leading the animal food chain will go back to normal from an imbalanced ecosystem.

  • Compromise Our health

Diets low in fruits and vegetables and high in red and processed meat are responsible for the number of sickness rates. A plant-based diet will reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. The body's resistance to antibiotics can occur if humans continue to eat raw meat or undercooked meat, providing a way for bacteria to enter our body. This is dangerous as infections are now harder to treat. Several meat alternatives provide a high percentage of protein and nutrients that benefit the body. These include tofu, tempeh, edamame, and lentils.

  • Benefit Our Humanity

Maintaining a forest-dependent community in growing nations will be plausible since they rely on nature for essential needs such as housing, food, medicine, and clothing, where 99% comes from locally grown resources. There will be less reduced land conflicts and inequality between countries to provide a place for factory farming. Replacing all animal-based foods with plant-based alternatives will feed 350 million people, thus reducing poverty. It is estimated that reducing the amount of meat consumed by 50 percent in high-income countries may result in 3.6 fewer malnourished children living in developing countries.

  • Positive Impact on Our Economy

Adopting a non-meat diet will have both health and environmental benefits that will help boost our economy. According to research done by The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the world will save at least $89-729 billion in revenues if everyone switched to a no-meat dietary consumption. The reason being is that fewer diseases being spread and a significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. The USDA Economic Research Service stated that the production cost of plant farms cost less than the overall meat agriculture industry combined. Avoiding animal products will accumulate lower price costs for food, making it more affordable and subsidized to society and alleviate the water crisis that various countries face.

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